disclaimer: I'm blogging about this for entertainment purposes only.

Please do not take me or my attempt to make my body more kick-ass by emulating fictional characters seriously. :-)

Monday, December 5, 2011

ELATPBS - Day 20

It's been several days of not tracking my food, and so far so good!

I already feel more like Buffy Summers.  My focus about food has shifted from "how many calories do I have left" to "I'm hungry, time to eat something that I love". 

Calories?  Who cares?

I'll share a bit of what I've been eating and how I've been exercising.  Not in a tracking sense, but just to share.

Today, I had my usual bowl of oatmeal mixed with peanut butter for breakfast.  I'm still eating this right now, actually.  I also brought along a banana and an applesauce, but I may not need those snacks this morning.  I didn't measure my oats or peanut butter, just mixed in what looked like a good amount.

I'm not sure what else I will be eating today, there is no plan!  But I bought some hummus yesterday, so that will probably be on the menu.  ;-)

Over the weekend, I walked and I biked.  Both felt amazing, and I tried to not think about the calories burned.  I'm probably not going to exercise today, because I won't have time which means that if I do it, it would definately be just for the calories.

And that's how ELATPBS is going.  I'll be ready to kick some butt soon.

"Giles, there are two things that I don't believe in: coincidence and leprechauns."
Buffy Summers, Season 3

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