disclaimer: I'm blogging about this for entertainment purposes only.

Please do not take me or my attempt to make my body more kick-ass by emulating fictional characters seriously. :-)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

No more tracking!

I'm going to start a no-tracking challenge.  This is the complete opposite of what I've done for years, so it feels kind of uncomfortable right now.  I'm going to go for a week first, and see how it goes.  Hopefully it will go so well that I'll want to continue.

When I say "no tracking" I'm talking about food and exercise.  No more recording everything I eat and every movement I do. 

No more calorie counting. 

If I'm going to ELATPBS, I have to do this. 

Buffy doesn't diet.

I'm not even 100% sure if I want to lose weight anymore, either.

My new goals are:

  1. Learn to love the body that I have.
  2. Not diet.  (no tracking my food or avoiding any foods because they are "bad")
  3. Eat when hungry, don't eat when not hungry.
  4. Exercise when I want to, and do fun exercises for the sake of feeling good, not for the sake of burning calories.
  5. Get stronger, faster, and healthier.
 Doesn't that sound better than a list like this:
  1. Lose weight.
  2. Eat less, eat fewer calories.
  3. Move more, burn more calories.
Come on, you know it does.

So this is day one of no tracking.  It feels weird.  I want to tell you what I've eaten, but that would be tracking.  See how tough it is for me?  I've been tracking my food on and off for over 10 years.  And those times when I wasn't tracking, I was binge-eating and depressed. 

Now I'm happy, not binge-eating, and while I'd still love to be a smaller pants size, I'm not worried about it so long as I'm healthy and happy. 

I'll leave you with one more Buffy picture and quote!

"Sure. We saved the world, I say we party. I mean, I got all pretty." -Buffy, Season 1

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